The salaries of the directors of the International Olympic Committee remain exorbitantly high. Around 50 million dollars are paid over the four-year cycle – probably several million more. Read the full list for 2022 after we published it last autumn for 2021.

As a so-called non-profit organisation that generates billions in revenue in the USA with American sponsors, NBCUniversal and LA 2028 and enjoys tax privileges, the International Olympic Committee has to submit tax filings every year. This Form 990 is an information return that most organizations claiming federal tax-exempt status must file yearly with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
In the Form 990, the IOC administration must also provide information on the salaries, bonuses and other benefits for the executives. You will look in vain for such information in the IOC’s annual financial reports – like many other fundamentally detailed figures that have never been published.
For example? In the annual reports …
- There is no detailed information on individual payments from all sponsors and other partners, only totals.
- There is no detailed information on individual payments by all TV rights holders, only totals.
- There are no details of individual payments made by the IOC to each National Olympic Committee, only totals.
- There is no detailed information on individual payments made by the IOC to all Olympic sport federations (IFs), only totals and, in minor cases, a small amount of information (e.g. on payments for guest Olympic sports).
- There is no detailed information on exact payments and services provided by the IOC and its partners to Olympic Organising Committees – only totals, which do not distinguish, for example, between cash payments and value in kind services.
Read the complete list for 2022, prepared for you in a table.
The questionable Olympic constant is that under the IOC deity Thomas Bach, the salaries of executives have risen exorbitantly. Why?
In the table, we have extrapolated the figures for 2022 to the Olympic cycle and thus calculated a probable total for 2021-2024.
We are talking about a sum of just under $50 million over the four-year period, which is likely to be significantly higher in the end, as significantly more is usually paid in the final Olympic year of the Summer Games. We won’t know the actual total amount until the beginning of 2026.
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The largest increases compared to the 2021 Olympic year (with the Tokyo Games) were recorded by General Director Christoph De Kepper (more than 10 per cent from $1,426,382 to $1,587,030), COO Lana Haddad (more than 15 per cent from $920,089 to $1,081,235) and once again Propaganda Director Christian Klaue (around 10 per cent from $525,649 to $588,074).
The IOC’s head of propaganda has once already served Bach in the German NOC. In three years – around the Covid crisis, when the Olympic family had to tighten their belts, didn’t they – the total benefits Klaue receives at the IOC rose from $275,536 to $588,074.
Such miraculous increases are usually only seen on the crypto market.
So it stays that way, just copy & paste a part of our article in 2023:
- The roughly $50m (there will certainly be further increases at the moment) is more than each Olympic IF receives from the Olympic Revenue Distribution.
- The number one on the list of summer sports federations, World Athletics, has received 39,48 million USD for the period up to Tokyo – the IOC directors, on the other hand, much more.
- The IOC directors receive much more in one Olympiad than ASOIF, Rugby, Golf and Modern Pentathlon together.
- And also more than ASOIF, Wrestling, Triathlon and Handball combined.
These huge salaries and these sometimes exorbitant increases become even more absurd when one considers the increases that the Olympic IF have recorded in the same period.
And you might ask what those at the Olympic Games earn on whose performance the dream salaries of the IOC administration are based?
The athletes, you know.
What do they earn at the Olympic Games? What does the IOC pay them as a bonus?
Silly you.
The answer is: zero.